Hi Aunty Judith Hi Angus, what’s up? I had THE most terrifying experience yesterday. I need some talking therapy Oh dear, what happened? Well, M&D […]
Sticks and stones may be my friends…
As you may recall from earlier posts, I like to introduce my friends to my Mum. We started small with pebbles, and worked our way […]
Windfalls, and the wind blows
This week I have been helping clear up after the storm. M&D required my assistance. (By the way, why is it that whenever they say […]
Starting to panic a bit now…
There’s less than a month to go now until, you know, the BIG event – the Chelsea Flower Show – which starts on 22nd May […]
We’re not going out, we’re just staying in…
Preparing for a Doctor’s appointment A) Putting on shoes when Angus is walking past Open cupboard door, locate shoes and reach for them. Close cupboard door. […]
Dear Aunty Judith…
Angus: “I need your help please, again, Aunty Judith” Aunty Judith: “What’s up Angus?” “I just wanted to check something, because you were my breeder, […]
The Best Laid Plans……
Location: A field somewhere near Juniper Highfield High-jinx Hounds are on full alert Gary: “Right, I’m off to pickup Angus” Susan: “OK, we’d better go […]
I’m a Pedigree, Chum
Mater and Pater, Mama and Papa, one desires a conversation Why are you talking like Jacob Rees-Mog? Ah, well adoptive Pater, you have alighted on […]
Housework Assistance Dog
It being Mother’s Day, I thought it would be a nice surprise for Mum if I helped out with the housework. So as I was […]
Salad Days
(Angus appears in the lounge, carrying something, and looking very indignant.) Angus: “And what in god’s name is this supposed to be? <rustles object furiously> […]