Mater and Pater, Mama and Papa, one desires a conversation
Why are you talking like Jacob Rees-Mog?
Ah, well adoptive Pater, you have alighted on the salient point….
<aside> Is he talking English?
Henceforth I shall no longer answer to Angus. I shall respond only if one uses one’s full name.
O…K… and what is that pray?
Lord Whistletyne Harrington de Whistletyne Magnolia Grandiflora de Afinmore Azufral KC
That sounds very Norman
One’s name is not Norman
No, Norman as in 1066 and all that
Ah, one understands. One would not be taken aback to discover that one’s lineage doth extend to ancient times.
Oh Fer F***s Sake!
So Lord Whistletyne Harrington ..
OK “de” – that’s the Norman bit
de Whistletyne Magnolia Grandiflora? I thought it was “Magnolia Tree?”
One decided that “Tree” was not sufficiently aristocratic
Right… de Afinmore Azural?
Correct. One’s true Pater
Knight Commander
Not Kennel Club then?
A kennel …….? Moi?!
So for what reason have you, sorry has one, decided to adopt this formal title?
Because one’s true Pater has been rightfully acknowledged as Best in Class at Crufts
Has he indeed?
Yes, and here’s a photograph of Pater at court.

You make it sound like the coming of the second Messiah.
One would not presume. But that reminds one, if one looks outside one will notice the second mess I er, left for one.
In light of Pater’s accession to the aristocracy, take notice therefore that henceforth I shall, as a peer of the realm, accept commands only from my most dread sovereign Queen, Elizabeth Regina. I may sit only on my liege’s command.
Really? Is that so?
It is.
Angus, would you like some dinner?

Oh Angus!
Less Pedigree Chum, more Pedigree Chump

Well, that’s pretty exciting.