Secret Service Assistance Dog

I have had an exciting few weeks since my last update.

First, I have been signed up for sessions with Highfield Hounds.  Twice a week this nice man called Gary picks me up and takes me to a field near Juniper where I join a pack of 10 or more dogs for a massive game.  Brilliant!  The aim is to tire me out apparently.  Hah!  Fat chance.

Second, we have also been meeting up with a very nice lady from Labradors North East called Elizabeth and her Lab called “Bree,” who is black like me and wears a red collar, also like me.  Elizabeth says red collars on black labs are a legal requirement.  Great fun was had by all although apparently the aim was to tire me out again. Nah, never gonna happen.

And a couple of weeks ago we met up with Pickle for a walk in the woods, the aim of which was to tire me out. Look, how many more times do I have to say it?

Let’s see – what else?  Oh yes, I had another trip to the vet’s this week to discuss my diet, and whether the following items constitute healthy eating.

Apparently the answer is, not.  Can you believe that?  The vet wasn’t too bothered by the glasses cloth but said the duster could be more of an issue if I don’t bring it back up.  Look it was hard enough to eat in the first place.  After all that effort do you think I’m going to give it up that easily?  No, of course not….oh…. excuse me a moment I feel slightly unwell.  Ooh…..ah…. wallop…  Hmm, that looks very tasty – I’m having some of that that.  What?  No! Wait!  I don’t want to go in my crate, I have to eat………..  I could have cleaned that up for you!

But, now for the really exciting news of the week

While we were at the vet’s  I was signed up for my Secret Service Assistance Dog Training.  Very excited about this one, although the “intimate” examination was a bit much.   Still, I must have passed the medical because the vet says I’m ready for my first operation.  It’s next Wednesday and, can you believe it, we are going to go on the trail of a Russian agent.  We’ll be meeting at the surgery at 08:50 (synchronise watches) for Operation “Kutzya Knutsov.”  Or at least I think that was what they were discussing.  Apparently I won’t be the same dog after this little op.

We’ll see next week

[Ed: Oh yes, you’ll see all right.]

The name’s Klutz – Angus Klutz.




  1. Chris Herwing says:

    You life is so busy Angus x

  2. Is Kutzya Knutsov any relative of Hadtya Ballsov? ?

  3. Paul Barrett says:

    Yes and also of Vipzya Bolluxov

  4. Angus, great caution is required. I have after observing the ‘pick up’ that there is a double agent ensconced within the pick up vehicle. Both Agent S and I are convinced that there is a double agent planted. He is small, black and wiry. He is determined to hand you over and frame you for other heinous duster crimes which we (Agent S and Agent N) know you are not responsible for! Do not fear, we have his label and aware of his intent. Should we encounter him on our next rendezvous we will intercept and silence him. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT enter the same transport cage. He will attempt to black list you. Demand your Laradorian rights for a free and impartial hearing, bite his ass and take the cage on the left so that we can extract you safely!
    S & N

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