What’s that hanging out of the corner of your mouth?
Er.. those would be carrot leaves
Why have you got carrot leaves hanging out of your mouth?
It’s part of my market gardener assistance dog training. I’ve been helping Mum gather in the harvest. She has raised all the vegetables in these knee-height raised beds so they are just right for me to pick the carrots.
OK I can see you’ve been very busy – there are carrot leaves all over the lawn.
Well there are so many to pick!
Where did you put the carrots?
Ah, well you see there’s a bit or a problem there.
Why’s that?
Well the leaves don’t taste very nice so instead of pulling the leaves off the carrots I had to take the carrots off the leaves, if you get what I mean.
Yesssssss, OK so where are they?
Ah, it’s a bit awkward, you see to pull the carrots off the leaves I had to bite into them a bit, which meant they weren’t fit for human consumption, so I ate them.
So we have NO carrots?
Er, no, sorry
OK so about the apples….
I almost don’t need to ask. I assume they are going a similar way?
‘Fraid so
And what has Mum said about eating apples?
She said that “The consequences would be dire.” But she spelt in it in a very strange way, D I R E R E A R and I have no idea what she was talking about.
Oh Angus you are such a klutz.
So you keep saying and I appreciate the praise. But please excuse me, I need the loo, quite urgently as it happens.

Tee hee, but I bet Barb is not amused!!
On the contrary. She can’t stop laughing. Nor me.
Enjoy Aushtralia. Are you going to Shydney or Alish Shprings?