Extreme Gardening



It pains me to say it, but we have to have yet another discussion on a topic that our readers must surely be tiring of by now.

And what’s that then?

The clematis.

What clematis?

That’s kind of the point really.  What did you do?  This time.

Well…… I heard you and the bossy one talking about the fact that a solution to “our little problem” would be to cut it back.

So, knowing how arthritic you both are, I decided to help you out and make a start.

More like a finish, I think you mean.  I am afraid that your chances of making the grade as a Gardening Assistance Dog are growing slimmer every day.

My first clue was finding this branch by the back door.

Wait a minute… What’s this?

And then,     I looked up!

Oh…… My…… God!!!!!!

Oh Angus!

You seem to have developed your own version of the rules for pruning clematis?

Flowers before June, lightly prune
Flowers after June, February prune
Flowers every June for 30 years without needing much of a prune
Rip it to ****ing pieces, like a loon



  1. At least it’s all on one side of the fence, much easier to clear up! 😉

  2. You wait till you see how far it’s gone now, Nats. Just you wait!

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