I had a little help with this post from new best friend forever, Auntie Andrea. Read all about it…
Mum and Dad had visitors from the south this weekend, but I know they really came to see me. They spoke differently to the folk round here but, for southerners, they weren’t bad.
I was soooo excited to meet my new Auntie Andrea and Uncle Barry! Dad said I was a bit boisterous…but isn’t that what puppies are supposed to be? A&B gave me lots of pats so I can’t have been that bad, and on Sunday we all went for a walk in the woods. It was great! Auntie kept throwing sticks for me, she didn’t seem to get bored at all so she is now my new best friend…well, at least until the end of this week.
I also discovered that picking up stones is quite good fun but the humans didn’t seem to approve. I had a sneaky suspicion that M&D had told stories about how naughty and mischievous I can be to A&B, so I decided to be uber-well behaved on the walk. It must have worked because I could hear everyone saying what a good boy I was and that “he’s not normally like this!” I also helped D with his litter picking duties. I can smell an empty cola can or crisp packet from miles away. So you can see that I was really out to impress A&B.
I didn’t realise how exhausting it is being good though, I couldn’t keep it up for more than an hour at a time. I had to have a lie down when we got home. But I was soon back to my old (should that be young?) self, Andrea was silly enough to leave her shoes in the hallway*, and blue IS my favourite colour! I hope it’s not too long before I see A&B again but I must remind them to bring treats next time!
*[Ed: And shoes are what Labradors love the best.]