Meet the Family

We have just had a family reunion!

On Friday we went to see my Mum – Chloe, half-sister – Polly, and Great Grandma – Jessie,  who live 15 minutes away with the breeder, Judith.  Everybody thought it would be good to meet my Mum again, now that I am bigger, and have a play with Polly.

Let’s meet the family

(Left to Right) Great Granny, Jessie | Half Sister, Polly | Mum, Chloe | Granny, Pip


Well, I thought I was all grown up but when I saw the three of them (Granny isn’t there) I realised that I am not quite as big as I thought. So I hid.

Mum wasn’t quite as pleased to see me as we all thought she would be. it was more of a, “Oh hello, you’re back already are you?  And I suppose you’ve brought your washing?” kind of greeting.  Great Grandma said hello but was more interested in the treats in Dad’s pocket.  But Polly was very pleased to see me and, once I had got used to how much bigger she is than me, we had lots of fun.  There were some “consequences” for Judith’s garden, but she didn’t seem to mind.

There were also some other very nice ladies there – humans Sue and Deb.  I liked them a lot especially Sue, who seemed to go completely silly whenever I got close to her.

So that was Friday.  On Sunday we all went for a long walk together, around some fields in Corbridge.  Boy was that grass long when you only have little legs!  Apparently, I had to learn that it’s my job to know where Mum and Dad are at all times and not wander too far away, instead of Mum and Dad knowing where I am.  Look…  I’m a Labrador, right…?  As if I’m going to let them out of my sight when he has that bag of treats on his belt.  Anyway, I was very good and kept close to everyone (well mostly Polly), although my Mum Chloe scolded me a couple of times for getting under her feet. That’s Mums for you – can never make up their minds!

And, just when it seemed it couldn’t get any better we came to… a stream.  I was a little uncertain at first as in the past I have not been too fond of water, preferring not to go out when it’s raining, but this did look like a lot of fun.  All the humans were encouraging me to take the easy way in, using the shingle beach but I decided that if I was going to do it I might as well do it properly so I jumped straight off the bank.  The judges’ verdict?

First, for Enthusiasm

Second, for Elegance  



Ah well, I am a Labrador after all, not a Saluki.

Here are some pictures from the weekend’s fun….

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  1. Always amazes me that each pup comes out all one colour, never a mixture. Isn’t nature extraordinary?!

  2. Paul Barrett says:

    Actually one of the litter of 10 black had a small white flash at the bottom of his chest and that’s allowed in the breed standard apparently (although not widely accepted in the show ring?).

    The other amazing thing is that a yellow mum and brown dad produced an all black litter. I think mum didn’t carry the brown gene and dad didn’t carry the yellow (something like that) and somehow that results in a an all black litter (although occasionally a wild card can get thrown in.)

    The yellows can actually have quite a lot of shade variation across their bodies, especially their ears but you’re right, there’s no dappling.

    But black is black. Angus looks like he was sprayed. Even his nose and pads are black. All of which means that most photos of him are just a black blob with the occasional Al Jolson eyes!

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