All the puppy training books say the same thing – start basic training early and keep at it, using lavish rewards. Well, on behalf of all Labradors I’d just like to say we have no issue with that, especially the last bit. I mean – Duh!
So although I am still not 9 weeks old we have started in earnest. Now, as you will no doubt be aware, training humans is notoriously difficult as they are a very wilful breed. But it can be done if you persevere. The important principle you need to grasp is positive reinforcement. So as soon as they do something right, like give you a treat, you must reward them immediately by, for example, sitting. Don’t be surprised if your human doesn’t get it right first time. Don’t admonish them, just go back and do it again. When they finally get it right they may be so effusive in their praise that they shower you with treats. If this happens don’t over react. Just calmly accept them. If you go over the top in your reaction they might not repeat their behaviour. Remember it’s all about proper reward for positive behaviour.
So far we have been working on ‘sit.’ We’ll deal with recall later because many humans struggle with getting that right. Plus, if you get your sit position correct, with pudgy puppy tummy sticking between your front legs and one back leg splayed out to one side, your human will be so overwhelmed with cuteness overload that the treats will just keep on coming. Both legs splayed out is just overdoing it by the way. Please display some decorum – you are a pedigree after all.
Next, you need to make sure you don’t appear to master a command too soon. Forget to sit once in a while, or wander off, or jump up. All of these are good cues for your human to back up and start again which, of course, will extend the total number of treats you receive, whilst they feel very pleased with themselves, and you, when you ultimately get it right.