
Hello Everyone I’m Angus.

I arrived at my new home on the 27th May 2017.  Here I am, sporting my lovely new collar – which I hate.  Apparently, it took my new Dad ages to get a good photo of me wearing it.  In the others, I was standing on my head trying to get rid of the nasty thing.

I am quickly learning that Mum and Dad expect me to do things that I am not happy about, like wearing this collar, while stopping me from doing things that I love, like eating the table, allegedly.

<sigh>  As you can see from the photo, I am the epitome of sweetness and I would never do such a thing.

But they seem quite nice people really.  And they have food… and treats… and cuddles, which makes them very special.


Please bookmark this page so you can keep up with how I get on.


31st May 2017


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