Oy Vey! What a week!

It’s has not been a good week.

Last Wednesday I developed a hacking cough and a runny nose so I had to go and meet Tim the Vet.  He’s seems like a very nice man, although the bit with the thermometer made me raise my eyebrows a bit.  Any way, it seems I had a mild case of Kennel Cough and was grounded until a week after the coughing stopped, which was quite quickly as it happens, although I had to miss two training classes and, more to the point, two chances for puppy mayhem with Pickle my bestest friend forever.

So at a bit of a loss what to do, I decided to hone my assistance dog skills, particularly  helping with the washing.  You see, as I think I may have explained before, I have this theory that I can save a lot of water and electricity by pre-washing things. The problem is, I don’t get many opportunities to do this as the washing is usually kept well out of my way.

A change of tactics was clearly in order so I have developed this new technique where I quietly sneak up on Dad while he’s using the computer, slip my nose into his trouser pocket and ever so gently remove his handkerchief.  I am so good at it that he doesn’t notice a thing!  In fact, the first he knows about it is ten minutes later when I deliver the beautifully masticated pre-washed item back to him, placing it gently in his lap.

For some reason his reaction is less enthusiastic than I expect.  He holds the soggy mass aloft between two fingers and puts it in the washing machine.

Well, that’s a job well done then, isn’t it?  I have achieved my aim – one hanky perfectly pre-washed – OK there might be a slight aroma of manky Labrador breath, but it’s undeniably wet.  And what thanks do I get? He says, and in what can only be described as a tone of exasperation, “Not so much assistance dog, more Artful Dodger!”  Well REALLY!



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